Reducing Jumping: The Slow Treats Game

If your dog gets so excited about treats that he jumps up to grab them, you need the Slow Treats Game!

You can play this with your dog sitting or lying down, or just standing with “four on the floor.”

  1. Slowly lower the treat toward your dog.

  2. If he keeps “four on the floor” the whole time the treat is coming toward him, then you can let him take it from your hand.

  3. If he jumps up at any point, immediately lift the treat farther away. Resume slowly lowering it when he has four paws on the floor.

You can use this game any time you are handing your dog a treat, even while working on something else (like a stay or heel). You can also use it when handing your dog a toy or chew or their food bowl.


If your dog does well with this but then snatches the treat too roughly, here are some extra tips:

  • Feed the treats lower down, so that he lowers his head to eat them rather than reaching up. This makes nipping much less likely.

  • Hold your hand open flat, with the treat on your palm, so that your fingers are out of the way, OR

  • Hold the treat firmly between your thumb and other fingers. If you feel your dog’s teeth, don’t let the treat go! Hold your hand still and wait for him to soften up, using his lips or tongue. Praise and release the treat then, to reward your dog for being gentle.

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